Kamdhenu Gau-Vigyan Prachar-Prasar Examination


Greetings from All India Council for Technical Education…!!

We are happy to inform you that, Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog (RKA) has been working on dissemination of information on economic, scientific, environmental, health, agriculture, and spiritual relevance of indigenous cow in the country. Its efforts have yielded good results and perception of the common man towards indigenous cow has changed. The message that the cow is just not a milk-giving cattle, but its panchgavya, mainly cow dung and cow urine, can be well utilized for the production of biogas, bio-manure, bio-pesticides to make the soil free of poisonous chemical pesticides. Other uses of cow-dung and cow urine are in the manufacture of products of daily, use like Ayurveda medicines supplements for boosting immunity, Ark, phenyl, Sanitiser, idols of good and goddess, diya, dhoop, gau-cast, tiles, plywood, bricks, kanda, flower pots, papers bath soap, shampoo, tooth powder, face cream, etc

Protection & Preservation of Cow is an integral part of our life as it is ingrained in our culture & tradition and as such the cow is dearer to us, as our mother & children. Cow is respected & revered unique deity with unlimited universal benefits. Our young generation is not aware of the importance & significance of cow-economy, mainly because of the influence of western/modern lifestyle. To re-write / revolutionize the attitude of people to sensitize them on preservation of cows, Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog launched intensive awareness campaigns in the Year 2020 beginning with Gomaya Ganesh, Kamdhenu Gomya Deepawali, etc. wherein domestic production and use of cow-based Panchgavya products along with promotion were emphasized.

The Central Govt., all State Governments, NGOs, Research Institutions, Universities and related stakeholders actively supported to make these Campaigns grand success. As such RKA could establish a strong & nation-wide network to enlighten and create awareness about the various benefits of indigenous cow among people & organizations.

Encouraged by the success of these Campaigns, RKA is launching another innovative move i.e. to conduct an All India On-line “Kamdhenu Gau-Vigyan Prachar-Prasar Examination”. On 25th February 2021, for students of colleges/ universities and for all citizens. The questions will be based on Cow-culture, Cow –preservation, Cow-based products, and economic/ scientific/ environmental/ cultural/ spiritual relevance of indigenous cow. All the participants will be given appreciation certificates. Relevant information for this exam is available on our website i.e. kamdhenu.gov.in”.

Hence, Certificates/ Awards issued to students in Kamdhenu Gau-Vigyan Prachar- Prasar Examination will be of much help and support them in pursuing such studies on Cow Entrepreneurship in future.

In view of the above, AICTE requests your institutes to kindly disseminate this information among all students & faculty members so that they can and encourage students to enrol/ register themselves for this examination.

With Regards,

